Sunday, November 5, 2023

Commenting on English News: Wolves have better teeth

In this article, we can see that there is a unique group of wolves in the United States known as red wolves. They are currently receiving assistance from local zoos, particularly in the form of regular dental check-ups to ensure their oral health and cleanliness. It is worth noting that while they are able to thrive within the confines of the zoo due to these regular check-ups, the journey towards the revival of the entire red wolf population is still a long and challenging one.

Source:Wolves have better teeth

Sunday, October 8, 2023

English Vocabulary Challenge: How to Be Fearless When You Fail?

 Here are the challenging words I've selected from 'How to Be Fearless When You Fail?'

along with their
definition, part of speech, and a good example.
undertone (n.) - (文章或講話的)含意,弦外之音;(事件或情況的)蘊含意義
來自段落:... Because I think the undertone of most conversations in households for kids growing up is more like ...
例句I thought her speech had slightly sinister undertones.
spectrum (n.) - 光譜;波譜;聲譜;頻譜
來自段落:... our listeners, by setting up for yourselves a new Spectrum ...
例句The colours of the spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet - can be seen in a rainbow.
cynical (a.) - 憤世嫉俗的;懷疑人之真誠的;認為人皆自私的 來自段落:... because it's kind of cynical and also very optimistic at the same time in the same quote ... 例句:I've always been deeply cynical about politicians. embarrassed (a.) - 窘迫的,尷尬的;害羞的 來自段落:... I might feel a little embarrassed at times, but I'm going to stand up there on that stage ... 例句:I was too embarrassed to admit that I was scared. inevitable (a.) - 不可避免的;必然發生的 來自段落:... I would say failure is probably inevitable in some point in our lives in something ... 例句:The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

English Vocabulary Challenge: Should We Fear Chatbots?

 Here are the challenging words I've selected from 'Should we fear chatbots?' along with their part of speech, definition, and a good example.

出處:...some kind of plausible conversation between humans and machines...


出處:It is becoming more sophisticated – more advanced and complex...


出處:...well written text that is coherent – that means it’s clear, carefully considered and sensible...


出處:So, Professor Bender says that well written text that is coherent makes us think what we are reading is reliable and authoritative.


出處:A cognitive psychologist and computer scientist called Geoffrey Hinton...

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Willie’s self-introduction

Hello, everyone! I'm Willie, and I'm dipping my toes into the world of blogging. Let me share a bit about myself without getting into the nitty-gritty details.

I have a passion for soccer, and while I wouldn't call myself a die-hard fan, I have a basic understanding of the game and sometimes enjoy a kickabout with friends.

What really gets me excited? Well, I have a genuine love for tending to plants. Watching them grow and thrive brings me a lot of joy.

When I'm not playing soccer or caring for my green pals, you'll often find me immersed in the world of comics and anime. These colorful stories hold a special place in my heart, and I'm always on the lookout for the next captivating series to dive into.

And, of course, I can't resist the temptation of video games. They're my go-to for relaxation and a bit of mental exercise.

A bit about my background: I graduated from Da-An High School and am currently 19 years old. I'm pursuing a degree in Information Management at Taipei North University of Commerce.

The above is my self-introduction, Thanks for visiting!

Commenting on English News: Wolves have better teeth

In this article, we can see that there is a unique group of wolves in the United States known as red wolves. They are currently receiving as...